A hundred million kisses

I find myself telling each of my children at least once a day that I am going to give them a hundred million kisses. Somewhere deep inside I want them to know that I could never kiss them too many times, could never hug them too much, could never really put words to how much I love them. Today holding Ellie in my lap she wanted to be tickled so I complied and savored every second of the peels of laughter and the rosy cheeks and the sparkly brown eyes. Judah giggled today for the first time and what could be more precious honestly? His fat baby chins that responded to mama’s “tickle tickle” and mama’s ridiculous cooing noises. I’m savoring these moments with joy and with a bit of pain too. I wish so much I could tell my mom how much i love her – I don’t doubt she knew i just want to tell her again and again how precious she is to me. How thankful i am for her unconditional love and patience. How thankful i am for her example of what a wife and mother should be. There is pain in knowing that others have said goodbye to their babies long before the natural time. This pain makes me squeeze my babies tighter. It makes me put down the laundry that I am folding and take the sticky hand beckoning me “c’mon mama – outside!”. I love my children. They are gifts from my Jesus to be cherished and treasured… and yet to always know they are His and that He loves and cherishes them more then I ever could. I love knowing that He has good things ahead for them! He is so good to me to love my babies the way He does. I think really He is the ultimate source of a hundred million kisses.

2 thoughts on “A hundred million kisses

  1. A hundred million kisses hardly seems enough, right!? Love your thoughts put in to words. Love knowing the real and hard things, and the precious things you so eloquently share. Thank you, sweet sweet friend!

    ~ Tracy

  2. Your writings made me cry to read them, dear Sarah. It reminds me how much I am missing of your life; watching your children grow (I haven't even held Judah let alone photograph him!). Thank you for letting me have a quiet moment with you, like a little chat over tea.

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