We should…. make POPCORN!!! (Thoughts on obedience Pt 1)

A few weeks ago we had a playdate with some dear friends. While the girls played outside my friend and I chatted. As I watched, Ellie went up to her friend and snatched the toy shopping cart she was playing with from her. I quickly separated Ellie from her prize and we moved aside for a chat. After we talked it through I asked Ellie “What should we do now?” indicating that this is where we go and apologize to our friend for taking a toy from her. Ellie looked and me with big brown eyes and said “We should…  make POPCORN!!!”

I think sometimes I do this to God. When He is bringing direction or correction in my life and asking “What should you do now?”  I, instead of responding in obedience to what He has instructed, respond with “let’s do something awesome!”. Avoiding obedience with an offer of sacrifice.

I am reminded this morning of how God prizes obedience more than awesome things. Sometimes it’s easier to give Him a “sacrifice” of an action than it is to simply obey His commands, and in doing so giving Him my heart. In Matthew 22 Jesus says:

“You must love the LORD your God with all your heart , all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ “

In my life this avoidance has looked like a lot of different things. Perhaps clinging to an offense towards someone and offering a sacrifice of reading my Bible instead of addressing my heart problem. Perhaps giving my child kisses instead of apologizing. Making my husband a nice dinner when I have been in the wrong instead of repenting to him.

Often heart problems aren’t visible on the outside but how my Jesus sees my heart! How He requires honesty in the inward parts! As a parent I daily ask my children to “listen and obey” and am constantly trying to address the heart of obedience. How much more does Jesus ask me to listen and obey. In my heart? I’m finding that loving Him with all my heart, soul and mind is a daily choice. A moment by moment choice.

Much the way a marriage works. On your wedding day you vow to love each other as long as you both shall live and you are MARRIED.  But truly real marriage is walked out every day as you continually moment by moment chose to honor and cherish each other.

Thank You Jesus for always seeing our hearts. Thank You for always calling us to obey and walk in truth! Today we choose again to love You with all that we are and have.