Sweaty palms and all.

There is no where to start but at the bottom. At the foundation and the truth of what this is. It’s being honest about the insecurity and the challenge that I feel right now.

I really like words. I process my life and heart by writing words down. I connect with God through Words, I hear His voice through words. I have many many many journals filled with my words.

For some time now I have felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to publish some of my words on my blog. He has nudged and I have pushed back. You see, when I put my words out for other people to read, I feel exposed. Vulnerable. I give other people the opportunity to have thoughts and opinions about my words. I don’t like that! It doesn’t feel safe!

I told the Lord this. Do you know what He said to me? He said His Kingdom has never been built by people staying safe and comfortable. It’s been built by people who listened and obeyed even when it was hard and uncomfortable and vulnerable.

So here I am. Cringing to even post this, because what if I post this and then chicken out and never post another word? That’s embarrassing. My palms are sweating as I type this.

Here is what I am banking on. I am banking on the truth that the Holy Spirit is way bigger than these fears and insecurities and that He has uniquely created me and gifted me to write. That He has a purpose bigger than me and that He will use my words to bring hope and life to other people. My job is to step forward with Him, sweaty palms and all.

What about you? Do you have things that you feel called to do? Has it been hard to step into these things? What holds you back?

I have been so aware lately that this life is short – so short. We only get one opportunity to do the things we are called to do. Let’s do them.

9 thoughts on “Sweaty palms and all.

  1. Well said sister! Your words inspire… God has given you a wonderful gift with words and I am so pleased that He is nudging you to use your gift. My prayers are with you and I look forward with anticipation to your next post and the blessing your words will bring!

  2. Friend you are so right! The Holy Spirit will shut out those insecurities!! Your words are powerful and genuine and show everyone how gentle and sweet the Lord is. The enemy of course doesn’t want any of that! LORD blow Sarah’s Mind with this blog and her words! Provide things for her to write. Help this season be a season of openness because she knows it will bring YOU glory! Sarah trust your gut and follow this AWESOME, uncomfortable, rollercoaster ride with Jesus!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH and am incredibly proud of you!!

  3. Yay! Sarah words!!! I have always valued those. It’s been over a decade since we shared a family at Lake Samm, but I still feel a connection to you. Because I can tell from afar that you are walking with Him and bearing fruit in a way that oozes the Holy Spirit goodness. And I can’t get enough of THAT! Looking forward to your posts!

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